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Causes of Fatigue and Sleepiness and How to Fight Them

Have you been yawning excessively recently? Do you have the impression that you could sleep all day? You could feel fatigued for a variety of reasons. It’s possible that you’re not getting enough sleep because you’re staying up too late, but you could also be sleepy due to an undiscovered medical problem. Fatigue is a phrase that refers to a general feeling of exhaustion or a lack of energy.

Consult your doctor if your exhaustion persists despite sufficient rest and nutrition, or if you feel it’s due to an underlying medical or mental health condition. 

Common Causes of Fatigue 

  1. Not having enough of sleep 

It is critical to get adequate sleep in order to maintain good health. Many of us, unfortunately, do not get enough, which can contribute to fatigue. Your body goes through a number of crucial operations when you sleep, including releasing important growth hormones and repairing and renewing cells. This is why, following a night of good sleep, most people feel refreshed, alert, and energised.

  1. Managing Stress

Chronic stress is connected to weariness, even if some stress is normal. Chronic stress, in fact, can lead to stress-related exhaustion disorder (ED), a medical illness defined by weariness on both the psychological and physical levels. Chronic stress can also create structural and functional changes in the brain, as well as chronic inflammation, which can rise to symptoms like weariness.

While you may not be able to escape stressful events, particularly those related to job or family responsibilities, managing your stress can help you avoid becoming completely exhausted.

  1. Due to medical reasons

Doctors may prescribe testing to rule out sleep and tiredness, hypothyroidism, cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple sclerosis, anxiety disorders, kidney disease, depression, diabetes, and fibromyalgia, among other ailments that cause exhaustion. It’s critical to understand that feeling weary all of the time is unusual. If you’re tired all the time, there’s probably one or more reasons for it.

  1. Dietary Imbalance

A balanced diet rich in nutrient-dense foods is essential for maintaining energy and getting the nutrients your body requires to complete crucial activities. Undereating — or eating ultra-processed, low-nutrient meals — can induce calorie and nutritional shortages, which can contribute to tiredness. When you don’t get enough calories and nutrients, such as protein, your body begins to break down fat and muscle in order to meet your energy needs. This causes a decrease of body fat and muscular mass, which can lead to exhaustion.

  1. Excessive consumption of caffeine

Caffeinated beverages, such as coffee and energy drinks, provide a momentary boost of energy, but relying on them too much might leave you feeling weary the next day. This is because too much coffee can disrupt sleep, resulting in weariness. Caffeine consumption is connected to increased nighttime anxiety, insomnia, nightly awakenings, reduced overall sleep time, and daytime drowsiness.

  1. Obesity 

The importance of maintaining a healthy body weight for general health cannot be overstated. Obesity is connected to a higher risk of several chronic illnesses, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and some malignancies, but it also raises the risk of chronic fatigue.

Obesity raises your chances of developing obstructive sleep apnea, a frequent cause of daytime weariness. Obesity is also connected to increased daytime sleepiness, even in the absence of sleep apnea, implying that obesity has a direct impact on the sleep cycle.

Fatigue Fighting Tips 

  1. Increase your intake of fruit, vegetables, whole grain meals, low-fat dairy products, and lean meats by eating a balanced diet. Limit your intake of high-fat, high-sugar, and high-salt foods. This is the best way to fight fatigue.
  2. Increase your physical activity as it increases energy levels, but a sedentary lifestyle is linked to exhaustion. Physical activity provides numerous health benefits for both the body and the mind. Exercising regularly can also help you sleep better at night.
  3. Reduce tension – It takes a lot of energy to be stressed. Incorporate soothing activities into your daily routine. This could be a vigorous workout at the gym or a calmer choice like meditation, yoga, music, reading, or socialising with friends. 
  4. Examine your lifestyle – are you placing yourself under needless stress, for example? Are there any persistent issues in your life that could be causing you to feel anxious or depressed for an extended period of time? Professional counselling may be beneficial in resolving family, career, or personal concerns.
  5. Caffeine must be used cautiously and avoided by anyone who is tired. The simplest way to achieve this is to gradually reduce your intake of all caffeinated beverages (coffee, tea, and cola drinks) over three weeks. Try going a month without coffee to see if it makes you feel less tired.

The urge to achieve greater and greater heights is one of the disadvantages of modern life. It’s exhausting to live a fast-paced existence. Make an effort to add a few more hours to your week to simply relax and unwind. If you can’t find a few extra hours, it’s time to reconsider your obligations and priorities. Perhaps you’re so consumed with responsibilities and expectations that you don’t allow yourself enough time to enjoy yourself. Laughter is one of the most powerful energy boosters available.

If these tips don’t help, get help from a trustworthy medical clinic now. Don’t take your health lightly