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What Is The Importance Of Holistic Healing Therapy?

You might have been treating your physical and mental health differently. Oh, are you even seeking treatments from two or more specialists?

This pandemic has sure made us realise the importance of being overall healthy. We even attempt to fix our physical and mental health. But what if we tell you that there is a one-stop solution to your wellness by holistic healing therapy. Wondering how? 

What is holistic healing?

As the term holistic implies, holistic healing incorporates mind, body, and spirit. It is extremely crucial that all three states are healthy and efficient. The purpose is to maintain the balance and equilibrium we all need in our life.

Holistic healing is almost the same as other kinds of healing processes; just the difference is one person guides you and keeps a check on you while ensuring that your mind, body, and spirit are aligned.

For example, when you are under stress, you incur severe noticeable impacts such as headaches, but we tend to ignore the mental effect it leaves on us. So, in addition to treating your bodily injuries, the professional will also address your emotional health. They will treat the person as a whole; rather than just the injury.

Principles of holistic healing

  1. Optimal health- The goal of holistic medicine is optimal health. It is the conscious pursuit of a specific state of being, where physical, environmental, mental, emotional, social and spiritual aspects are in balance, and a person feels alive.
  1. Healing Power of love- Holistic health care practitioners strive to meet patients with grace, kindness and acceptance as a reflection of their faith that love is the most potent healer.
  1. Whole person- Holistic health care practitioners view the body, mind and spirit as a unified whole.
  1. Prevention and Treatment- Holistic health care practitioners look at how all aspects of a person’s life, including their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being, affect their health. Holistic practitioners improve the patient’s daily life by relieving symptoms while modifying factors that contribute to illness. They also enhance the patient’s overall sense of wellbeing by optimising their life system.
  1. Innate healing power- All people have a natural ability to heal in their bodies, minds and spirits. Holistic health care practitioners help patients access and channel these powers to hasten recovery.
  1. Integration of healing systems- Holistic healthcare practitioners believe that health problems are best solved by considering safe and effective options. By embracing a lifetime of learning about all these options, practitioners can pick the ones that are best suited to the patient’s unique needs.
  1. Relationship centred care- An excellent practitioner-patient relationship encourages patient autonomy and values the needs of both parties. The quality of this relationship is an essential contributor to successful treatment.
  1. Individuality- Holistic health practitioners focus on your well-being as a whole human being rather than on the specific symptoms of an illness.
  1. Teaching by example- Holistic health care practitioners seek to improve their relationships with their patients by incorporating the principles of holistic health into every aspect of their lives.
  1. Learning opportunities- Experiences of joy, suffering, and transition from life to death offer profound learning opportunities for patients and health care practitioners.

Treatments holistic healing therapy may include-

  • Herbalism
  • General medication
  • Yoga/ breathing exercises
  • Chiropractic approach
  • Acupuncture techniques
  • Nutritional diet
  • Massages

Why is it important? 

When we experience an external injury, we immediately rush to seek treatment. But when it comes to mental and spiritual well-being, we hesitate a bit. All three are like the pillars of a building. If one of them starts to get damaged, the foundation gets weak. Here comes the role of holistic healing therapy as it puts you on the right track along with long-lasting health benefits. 

What are the health benefits?

There are numerous advantages to taking a holistic approach to our fitness.

Physical benefits-

  • Relieves all types of pain
  • Improves sleep
  • Strengthens immune system
  • Increases energy
  • Improves digestion
  • An increase in blood flow promotes healthy skin
  • Soothes joint pain
  • Removes fatigue
  • Detoxifies internal organs
  • Enhances metabolism

Mental benefits-

Emotional benefits-

It can also assist you in conquering addictions that you have been struggling to overcome but have failed to do so.

We’ve all heard the adage that making minor changes in your life may make a big difference. Consider the impact that implementing these adjustments in your regular day will have.

Once you step on the path of healing yourself with this holistic approach, there is no going back! It will help you immensely in the long run, as proper guidance will let you know more about yourself. The deeper you get to know yourself, the easier it will become to cater to your needs. It is all about finding the balance and when you discover it, see a happy self of you reaching those peaks.