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7 Common Causes Of Pediatric GI Bleeding

Pediatric GI bleeding is not very rare as it is thought to be. The condition might vary from mild to severe, but the pediatric wards in major hospitals handle at least one case of GI bleeding in a week. The bleeding can occur in any area of the gastrointestinal tract. The bleeding can occur either in the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract or the lower part. The bleeding on the upper part is uncommon in children but it is a potentially serious condition. The condition can be first spotted by noticing blood in the stools or vomit. There are many causes of GI bleeding, don’t miss checking out the pediatric GI bleed guidelines. Here are the 7 most common causes of GI bleeding.


Constipation may seem like the most common and simple issue in children. The prolonged and untreated constipation may tear the anal tissues which would lead to bleeding in the lower gastrointestinal tract.

2.Ulcers and gastrointestinal infections

The conditions of ulcers are not much common in children. Ulcers are sores on the upper gastrointestinal tract. The untreated ulcers can lead to bleeding, so symptoms such as constant hiccups, chest pain, and burning sensations in the center of the abdomen must be treated soon. The infections on the gastrointestinal tract due to bacteria or other substances in food could also cause GI bleeding.

3.Swallowing Non-food items

Children tend to swallow non-food items such as coins, rubbers, batteries, papers,. The substances may not get digested and will harm the gastrointestinal tract. They might cause inflammation of the tract and would lead to bleeding off the tract. Sometimes, parents can experience blood in the digestive system of the baby.

4. Polyps

The polyps are the small clumps of cells on the lining of the colon. The polyps are not very serious if treated at an early stage. The GI bleeding could also occur due to the presence of polyps. Colon cancers are extremely rare in children, so GI bleeding could be mostly due to polyps and they could be removed without surgery.


Gastritis is a condition when the lining of the child’s stomach gets inflamed or irritated. This could seem like a simple issue in the beginning. The first symptom can be a loss of appetite, but prolonged and untreated gastritis can lead to Gastrointestinal bleeding.

6.Inflammatory bowel diseases.

It is an inflammatory condition of the colon and small intestines. Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis are the common conditions that could result in GI bleeding. Crohn’s disease affects the end of the small intestine and the beginning of the colon, and ulcerative colitis affects the innermost lining of the colon and rectum. The conditions must be treated earlier to avoid complications.

7.Meckel’s diverticulum

It is a condition when the leftover tissue in the intestine didn’t absorb properly when the digestive system developed during pregnancy. The tissue could lead to GI bleeding if not diagnosed and removed.

Gastrointestinal bleeding is not a simple issue to be ignored. The diagnosis will be done through endoscopy, and the medications should be followed as said by the pediatricians. The dietary habits of the child should also be changed as suggested by the doctors. Also read about the essential pediatric services.