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What are the warning signs of a panic attack?

Panic attacks are abrupt bouts of acute dread that generate significant bodily responses without warning. A panic attack is a terrifying experience. Anxieties, heart palpitations, and even death may be the symptoms of a panic attack. Panic attacks are scary and may lower your quality of life, but they’re not life-threatening. Luckily, some treatments work wonders.

Warning Signs of a Panic Attack

During a panic attack, you may feel physically ill as well as emotionally and mentally drained.

  • Heart palpitations and rapid heartbeat

When you’re having a panic attack, you may notice your pulse rate racing. A quicker or stronger heartbeat, or the sensation of a pulse point pounding more forcefully, might be present. Your heart rate will normally decrease once the panic attack and its symptoms pass. You are suggested to consult a doctor at a life medical clinic.

  • A trembling or shaking sensation

When you’re experiencing a panic attack, you can find that your hands and legs start to shake uncontrollably. Even hours after the rest of your panic attack signs have subsided, you may feel a slight tremor. As you get better and relax, you will experience less shaking. Although it may be annoying, this symptom of a panic attack often does not point to a medical issue.

  • Breathlessness and a feeling of suffocation

Some individuals experience hyperventilation or a feeling of suffocation while they’re having a panic attack. Coughing, gag reflexes, or vomiting may ensue. These sensations are a normal reaction to the adrenaline surge and may be rather severe and unpleasant. Maintain a regular breathing pattern by concentrating on deep in and out breaths. After around 15 to 30 minutes, you will begin breathing normally again.

  • Sense of being choked

Another symptom of hyperventilation is a tightness in the throat, similar to that of shortness of breath. The signs of a panic attack could worsen if you struggle for breath. No matter how bad it seems, it’s essential to keep in mind that your panic attack is mental and not physical; you’re not genuinely suffocating. You can breathe more easily and recover faster if you do this.


This sensation and emotion may not have a cause. You are advised to consult a doctor at life medical clinic. Panic attacks may come unexpectedly, even while sleeping. The unpredictability of panic episodes is perhaps the most distressing aspect. You may have panic attack symptoms once, multiple times, or constantly.