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Getting Your Blood Drawn; What You Need To Know

When you have a blood draw, it is important to know whether you have to follow special instructions or not; for instance, some tests require that you fast for a certain time, whereas others do not require you to fast at all. Even if you do not have any special instructions rather than arrival time, there are still some steps you have to take to make this process easier. Here is how to prepare for a blood test.

●  Carry food

If you are fasting for a blood draw, it is better to bring something to eat afterwards; you are free to eat when your blood is drawn. If you haven’t eaten anything since dinner, then there is a high chance that you might feel starving and if you are bringing something to eat, you can have it as soon as the blood is drawn and it will give you some energy. Also, you might want to drink some juice after your blood is drawn.

●  Have healthy breakfast

If you do not need to fast, you have to have a light breakfast before the test; it will help your blood sugar up, which will help with any dizziness. Also, when there is no need for fasting, you can have your breakfast. A light breakfast can help you to skip some issues that may be serious.

●  Just a minute

Blood drawn will not take many hours of your time; the actual process of getting blood drawn will just take a few minutes using the blood test needle. The phlebotomist will put on gloves and apply a tourniquet to your arm, then they will find your vein, after that they will swab the spot with an alcohol pad then the last thing is asking you to fist and insert the needle to draw blood. Once your blood is drawn, they will apply a bandage, and that’s it. Overall, this whole process will take a maximum of 5 to 10 minutes, an experienced team of doctors provide the right guidance and information to the patient.

●  Don’t panic

It might be difficult to find a vein and it is completely normal and common, you do not need to worry or panic about it. For some people, it may need a couple of minutes to find a good vein and your phlebotomist is skilled at finding even ‘shy veins”, so it should not be too difficult. Feeling tired after getting labs drawn is quite common, so don’t panic.

●  Be transparent

If you have hemophobia (fear of blood) or trypanophobia (fear of needles), then you must let them know; they will be able to do something about that. Because of that phobia, we can not skip that blood drawn and we can take some preventive measures for your phobia to make you feel well. If you are hiding this from them it might cause a big issue for you as well as for them, so it is better to inform them.

●  Relax your mind

The actual blood drawn will feel like a sharp pinch; even though it is painful it will end in half a second, you should not have any trouble giving blood. Tensing up and getting anxious about it may consume all your energy and it may seem even more painful than the actual pain. If you are relaxing and wandering your mind it will be much easier. Avoid exercise after a blood test, as it can make you tired.The above-mentioned tips will help you get the blood drawn easily and without any hassle. You can have a healthy lifestyle by changing your diet, so after that, you do not need to get your blood drawn for any checkups.